Avira EU-Cleaner - простой антивирусный сканер, выполняющий проверку системы на наличие вирусов и других потенциальных угроз. В случае обнаружения вредоносного ПО утилита позволяет очищать и восстанавливать систему. Не требует установки и регистрации. Не взаимодействует и не конфликтует с установленными антивирусными программами
Возможности EU-Cleaner:
Копирование приложения на внешний носитель (например, USB-флешку) для проверки систем других компьютеров, неподключенных к Интернету
Обновление вирусных сигнатур при каждом запуске EU-Cleaner
Антивирусное сканирование
Полное сканирование системы
Функция “Quick scan“ для быстрой проверки
Очистка системы и лечение вредоносного ПО
Подробные отчеты после каждого сканирования
The Avira EU-Cleaner is a portable antivirus scanner, i.e. it can be copied to and used from an external USB device. With the Avira EU-Cleaner you can quickly and easily check your computer for malware infections. Any malware detected can normally be removed with a mere click of the mouse.
The Avira EU-Cleaner is only available from the Anti-Botnet Advisory Centre, a service provided by the eco Association. The Anti-Botnet Advisory Centre was founded as part of the Anti-Botnet initiative of the eco Association. The iniative is supported by the Federal Office for Information Security. The aim of the project is to inform German computer and internet users of the dangers presented by bots and botnets. This should reduce the number of computers infected with bots and thus help to stem cyber crime.The word "botnet" is a mixture of robot and network. It describes a number of computers which have been infected by malware which allows cyber criminals to access the computers and integrate them into a bot network. As the malware often does not cause any obvious damage to the computer it has infected, users then send e-mails to other computers on the internet without realizing that they contain spam, malware or viruses.
Botnet computers are also known as "zombies", because they are controlled by remote commands rather than by the user. Thousands of these zombie PCs can be used in DoS (denial of service) attacks which maliciously overload servers or networks and disable them. In the Avira EU-Cleaner you have an effective tool to prevent these kinds of malware infections. You can use it to prevent your computer being linked into botnets and remotely controlled.
Год выхода: 2015
ОС: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8.х, 10 (32/64-bit)
Лекарство: FREE
Язык: EN + RU
Размер: 130 Mb
Avira EU-Cleaner DC 21.07.2015 Portable
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